Ropes Crossing Open Space and Landscape Strategy


Ropes Crossing Open Space and Landscape Strategy


St Marys


Lend Lease Communities



The Landscape and Open Space Masterplan provides an open space and landscape vision for the St Marys Development – Eastern Precinct, as it progressively develops over a 5-10 years programme.

An open space hierarchy identifies five broad categories of open space / park, within which discernible sub types occur in response to site opportunities.

Performance objectives for the open spaces within the hierarchy are provided relating to recreation role, character, landscape presentation and maintenance and facilities.
The open spaces are linked by a system of cycle, and pedestrian trails which connects residential areas to the Village Centre and to the surrounding 900 ha Regional Park.  A key driver has been the conservation of existing quality tree canopy within parks and reserves as a key environmental and community resource.

The plan identifies strategies for management of the urban development and the regional park interface.

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