Coronation StrEat!


Coronation StrEat!




Hornsby Shire Council


2021 - 2023

In 2021, Hornsby Shire Council were successful in their grant application through the “Your High Street” funding program administered by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment” to repurpose an existing Council Carpark on Coronation Street. The project is to create a flexible new public space, celebrating the heritage infrastructure and providing a space for celebration, outdoor dining, farmers markets, live music and other activities.
Environmental Partnership in collaboration with Hornsby Shire Council, Brewer Architects, Partridge, Lighting Art & Science, and Fintan Magee provided design services from concept plan to construction of this temporary public space. The completion of the project including:

  • A ghost structure constructed around the existing Angophra costata reflecting and celebrating the original building architecture (Judge’s Bakery) from 1896 at the southern end of the carpark.
  • Plaza space with a variety of sitting opportunities, water refill station and bike repair station under the ghost structure for people sitting and gathering
  • Murals to celebrate the local history and character
  • A rearranged multi-purpose area adjoining the ghost structure for carparking and events
  • Posts with catenary to the multi-purpose area as extension of ghost structure encourage night-time activities and support events.

Hornsby Shire Council also engaged artists Elliott Routledge and Hugues Sineux to provide additional public artworks to the precinct that tells local stories. Please refer the link below for the amazing artworks and the stories behind them:

Coronation StrEat! was open to public in December 2023.


Multi-purpose Area- Market Mode

Multi-purpose Area- Food Truck Mode

Multi-purpose Area- Event Mode