Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area Master plan


Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area master plan


Upper Blue Mountains near Lithgow


NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service


2021 - ongoing

The Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area (SCA) was formally gazetted by NSW Parliament in May 2022. The SCA covers 28,322 hectares including:

• 3 former state forests including Newnes State Forest and parts of Ben Bullen and Wolgan State forests;

The establishment of the state conservation area coincides with new additions to:

• Gardens of Stone National Park (308 ha) from Crown land;
• Wollemi National Park (2,257 ha) from Newnes State Forest

This milestone secures the future of this unique and well loved landscape. It enables NSW National Parks to plan and implement the necessary steps to manage the environment and natural setting and enable enhanced community use and appreciation of this diverse landscape.

A plan for the creation of a new conservation and nature based recreation oasis.

The Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area infrastructure master plan aims to put in place guiding strategies for the ongoing planning and management of the consolidated conservation area.